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What Our Clients Say
“My experience with Brancaccio & Associates was extremely positive. Contact them if you need exceptional legal representation because you’ll be represented by efficient, caring attorneys who respond promptly to clients’ needs.”
~Maria Daniela Martino
RAI interview with lawyer Brancaccio discussing the changes that will occur under the administration of newly elected President Trump and the feasibility of a mass deportation and possible defenses
What Our Clients Say
As a navigated professional in different Countries but much more importantly as a man, I had no bigger dream in Life than building my Family.
Meeting attorney Brancaccio has been a blessing to me: in very difficult transition times she drove my choices gently, steadily firmly, leading me to the goal, actually the biggest goal I could ever dream.
Not only Attorney Brancaccio acted as a safe and sound professional in wisely suggesting the best solutions to facilitate the Family gathering, but many times she went even beyond her assignments being a wise consultant and an absolute supporter of us.
Attorney Brancaccio owns the unique gift of blending professionalism and empathy.
She is clearly driven by rock solid set of values and the clear intention of investing the best of her talents to support our case.
I always considered ethics in business to be the pre-requisite of success and I found in Attorney Brancaccio the perfect example of application of this concept in daily life
Attorney Brancaccio really embodies the Spirit of Service that her delicate professional branch requires.
– Fabrizio Colli
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Travel Ban
The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in favor of President Donald Trump’s September order to restrict travel from several majority Muslim countries to the United States. In the 5-4 opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the court found that President Trump’s travel restriction fell “squarely” within the president’s authority. The court rejected claims that the ban was motivated by religious hostility.
Intervistata da Metropolitano con Marilena Alescio
Marilena Alescio: Antonella Brancaccio lascia l’Italia e dal 2005 vive e lavora in Florida. Avvocato ci racconti la sua carriera professionale? Mi sono laureata a Napoli presso l’Universita’ Federico II . Ho conseguito il master in Diritto internazionale e comparato presso l’Universita’ di Miami . Ho sostenuto l’ esame abilitante per la professione di avvocato. Dopo varie esperienze in diversi studi legali…

“Mi sono rivolto a questo Studio per alcune situazioni da risolvere in merito al visto, ebbene posso dire che la professionalità che li contraddistingue, la gentilezza e soprattutto il modo di fare, la rende davvero unica nel mondo degli studi legali. La competenza e la disponibilità di Antonietta in merito all’immigrazione, è di altissimo livello. Complimenti!”
“Seria, professionale e ferrata in materia di immigrazione. Mi sono affidata a lei per le mie pratiche di visto. La raccomando a chi e’ in cerca di una professionista onesta e preparata.”
~Anna Z.